The collected water samples from 9 different places of Bhopal and areas around it. They were collected in month of January – march when there is onset of summer. Normally the environment was moderate and temperature range 25-35 0C degrees.
The alage found are as follows :-
- Oedegonium nodolusum( OEDOGOMACAE)
- Microcystics aeruginosa.
- Stigeoclonium (chaetophoraceae)
- Aulacoseria granulate (aulocoseriaceae )
- Ulothrix zonata ( ULOTRICHACEAE)
- Sirogonium sticticum
- Microspora (microsporaceae)
- Oscillatoria princeps
- Nostoc commune.
- Aphanocapsa elachista. (merismopediaaceae)
- Aulacoseria granulata (Aulacoseriaceae )
- Rhizoclonium hierogylypcium (cladophoraceae)
- Zygnema ( zyygnemataceae)
- Spirogyra .
These samples were provided with Bold Basal Media and simultaneously grown for 3 months and then observed under microscope. There are many varieties of algae associated with each other.
- Oedegonium nodolusum( OEDOGOMACAE)
- KINGDOM : - Plantae
- PHYLUM :- chlorophyta
- CLASS :- chlorophyceae.
- ORDER :- Oedogoniales
- FAMILY :- Oedgoniaceae.
- COMMON NAME :- Green algae.
- Coordinates: 23°6′54″N 77°35′43″E
- P h :- 6.4
- Filamentous Unbranced chlorophyte with cylindrical cells.
- They are attached to surface by a holdfast which is commonly surrounded by reddish brown material.
- Their life cycle may be extremely complex and varies by species.
- There is dense chloroplast usually filling the cells with pyrenoids.
- Cells are frequently wider at one end to other occasionally one finds bulbous, almost globular cells.
- They are characterized on the basis of their distribution of sex organs and also have reticulate chloroplast.
- Presence of caps on the young dividing cells due to which vegetative cell division is very elaborate.
- The intercalary cells are longer and they have cylindrical outline.
- The cells are surrounded by thick and rigid cell wall and it is differentiated into 3 layers i.e
- Chitin
- Middle pectin
- Inner most cellulosic
- The chloroplast is single , large and reticulate which remains embedded in the cytoplasm.
- Growth of the filament takes place through all division and all cells except apical and basal ones are capable of dividing through cell division.
2. Kerva Dam :- Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh
- Microcystics aeruginosa.
- KINGDOM :- eubacteria
- PHYLUM :- cyanobacteria
- CLASS :- cyanophycea
- ORDER :- chroococcales.
- FAMILY :- microcystaceae
- GENUS :- microcystics
- Coordinate :- 23.1664° N, 77.3724° E
- PH 6.20
- There are many small spherical to avoid cell packed in mucilage (usually dense ).
- They have randomly formed shaped colonies.
- Cells contain gas vesicles and they form thick blue green scums.
- The bacterium produces harmful toxins that create health risks for populations living and harvesting in contaminated areas where it blooms.
- Filamentous algae is typically found in ponds but any water body may have.
- Ecology :- the blanket covering of a pond with this algae is invariably a response to high nutrient levels.
- Reproduction is rapid in warm condition.
- Cell divide and increase the length of filaments.
- Filamentous algae used as food for freshwater life upon dying will produce detritus.
- Ponds and small lakes with dense algae like this may be said to be eutrophic.
- There are freshwater cyanobacteria with includes the harmful algal bloom “microcystic alluginosa”
- The coloration of the protoplast is a light blue green algae appearing dark or browm due to optical effects of gas filled vesicles this can be useful as a distinguishing characterstics when using weight microscopy.
- Cyanobacteria can be produce neurotoxins and hepatoxins such as microcystin and cyanopeptotin. Microcystic arroginosa is a harmful algal bloom and can contaminate drinking water with microsystem.
- Stigeoclonium (chaetophoraceae)
- KINGDOM :- plantae
- PHYLUM :- streptophyta
- SUBPHYLUM :- chlorophyta
- CLASS:- chlorophyceae.
- ORDER :- chactophorales.
- FAMILY :- Chaetophororaceae.
- COMMON NAME :- green algae.
- branched filamentous chlorophyte with branches ending in pointed cells.
- Branches are one cell thick and subbranched are similar width and there is no substantially wider main stem.
- Mostly found in fast growing , bottom habitat , including enriched streams.
- Each cells contains a single green chloroplast which is a partial bond and its filaments are not embedded in mucilage. There is a prostrate basal system of filaments that provides attachment to the bed.
3. Narmada River :- Narsinghpur, Madhya Pradesh
- Aulacoseria granulate (aulocoseriaceae )
- KINGDOM :- chromista
- PHYLUM :- orchrophyta
- CLASS :- bacillariophyceae.
- ORDER :- Aulocoseirales.
- FAMILY :- Aulocoseiraceae.
- COMMON NAME :- diatoms
- Coordinates: 22.948°N 79.195°E
- PH 6.16
- They are cylindrical and joined face to face.
- They are more in number with long thin cells approx 3.4 um in diameter.
- It often forms long filaments of cylindrical cells joined end to end but may be found as single cells.
- Much narrower than filaments of melosira often planktons.
- It is found in lakes , ponds and slow flowing water.
- There are varities of A.granulata varies significantly with different eutrophic levels and the filament shape in eutrophic conditions even beyond the definition.
- Its indicating function to water quality since cell dimensions and filament shape could be visual and sensitive with the changing water environment.
4. Shahpura :- Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh
- Ulothrix zonata ( ULOTRICHACEAE)
- KINGDOM:- plantae
- PHYLUM :- chlorophyta
- CLASS :- ulvophyceae
- ORDER :- ulotrichales
- FAMILY :-ulotrichaceae
- COMMON NAME :- green algae
- Coordinates :- 23.1986° N, 77.4270° E
- PH 7.10
- Unbranched filamentous chlorophyte with generally short cells each of which has a parietal band like chloroplast wrapped around most of the interior cells surface, containing numerous pyrenoids
- Germination of zoosporongia is sometimes observed in collected material producing in collected material producing numerous small zoospores, each with 4 flagella per cells.
- Commonly attached to the bed of good quality streams and rivers.
- Each cell contains a distinct nucleus, a central vacuole, and a large, thin chloroplast with at least one pyrenoid.
5. Kaliyasot Dam :- Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh
- Sirogonium sticticum
- KINGDOM :- plantae
- DIVISION:- charophyta
- CLASS :- zygnematophyceae
- ORDER :- zygnematales
- FAMILY:- zygnemtaceae
- COMMON NAME :- sirogonium sticticum
- Coordinates :- 23.1972° N, 77.4042° E
- PH 6.5
- It has numerous band like chloroplasts and its derived from spirogyra sp.
- Vegetative cells are characterized by plant septa with narrow chloroplasts which are more or less straight.
- The cells walls lacks an external pectose layer
- Conjugation takes place directly between the gametangia without the formation of conjugation tubes.
- The progametangia divide into unequal gametangia the smaller behaves as males and larger as a female.
- Flexing of filaments takes place during conjugation
- Zygospores are elliposoid or avoid and yellow brown or black in colour.
- Microspora (microsporaceae)
- DOMAIN :- eukaryota
- KINGDOM :- viridiplantae
- PHYLUM :- chlorophyta
- CLASS :- chlorophyceae
- FAMILY :- microsporaceae
- GENUS :- microspora
- The are species which are unbranched filamentous green algae.
- There is a single dense net like chloroplast,usually filling the cell no pyrenoid.
- The cells are frequently rather bulbous or barrel shaped.
- But the chief diagnostic character is the presence of H-shaped wall sections.
- It shows the presence of darkened , brown bands between adjacent cells.
- Filaments unbranched, cells 5-10 µm wide, 6-28 µm long, cylindrical and not constricted at cross walls, wall thin, smooth, junction between H-shaped sections not evident without staining.
- chloroplast variable even within same filament, not very dense, sometimes forming an irregular band or network, occupying the cell center.
6. Upper Lake, Bhopal
- Oscillatoria princeps.
- KINGDOM :- Eubacteria
- SUB KINGDOM:- Negibacteria
- PHYLUM :- Cyanobacteria
- CLASS :- Cyanophyceae
- SUB CLASS :- Oscillatoriophycideae
- ORDER :- Oscillatoriales
- FAMILY :- Oscillatoriaceae
- GENUS :- Oscillatoria
- Cordinates 23.2532° N, 77.3382° E
- PH 6.54
- It is a genus of cyanobacteria (filamentous) & has more than 100 species.
- It is named because of the oscillation in its movement.
- Filaments in the colonies can slide back and forth against each other
- Free flowing green filament usually attached to rocks in still or moving water.
- It forms thin blue green mucilaginous coating on the surface of the flowing water.
- Some of its species are o. fornosa , o.princeps are symbiotic.
- Mostly found in nature and it performs anoxygenic photosynthesis.
- There are only prokaryotes to generate oxygen like plants with photosynthesis,
- It is round in the ends and has lines in the filament.
- Trichome (filamentous structure) lacks heterocysts; with equal diameter throughout whole length; no hair-like structure; no branching.
- Trichome without mucous sheath; straight, long, consisting of numerous cells.
- Mature trichome straight, cells much broader than long and has hemispherical apical cell with keritomized content .
- Trichome unconstricted in growth phase and constrictions were observed during reproduction.
7. Vanvihar Lake :- Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh
- Nostoc commune.
- KINGDOM :- bacteria
- PHYLUM :- cyanobacteria
- CLASS:- commune
- ORDER :- Nostocales
- FAMILY :- Nostocaceae.
- GENUS :- Nostoc
- Location :- 23.2315° N, 77.3677° E
- PH 6.2
- They are genus of blue-green algae with cells arranged in beadlike chain that are grouped together in a gelantinous mass.
- They are found on soil and floating in quite water and reproduction by fragmentation.
- It has a thick walled alkinate which has the ability to withstand dessication for long period of time.
- It contains two pigments blue phycocyanin and red phycoerythrin and chlorophyll present has ability to fix nitrogen in heterocyst.
- A terrestrial species is been used as supplementary source.
- These bacteria contain photosynthesic pigment in their cytoplasm to perform photosynthesis.
- Aphanocapsa elachista. (merismopediaaceae)
- KINGDOM :- bacteria
- PHYLUM :- cyanobacteria
- CLASS :- cyanophyceae
- ORDER :- chroococales
- FAMILY :- merismopediaceae
- COMMON NAME :- cyanobacteria
- They are clusters of small circular blue – green cells set in randomly shaped mucilaginous masses , irregularly shaped microscopic and macroscopic colonies are attached to surface.
- Mucilage surroundings cells of glecocapse is dense and each cell is being surrounded by individual sheath and these cells are elongated and flatter than aphanocapsa.
- For growth add phosphorus and sulfur limitation or addition of arginin to growth.
- They differ from Aphanothece in dividing in perpendicular plane during successive division.
- Aulacoseria granulata (Aulacoseriaceae )
- KINGDOM :- chromista
- PHYLUM :-ochrophyta
- CLASS :- Bacillariophyceae
- ORDER :- Aulocoseriales.
- FAMILY :- Aulocoseriaceae
- COMMON NAME :- Diatoms.
- Centric diatoms i.e cells are round in valve , square to rectangular .
- They are present in long filaments of cylindrical cells joined end to end and sometimes found as single cells which are cylindrical in shape.
- They show unimodal response to the concentration of calcium.
- The colonies are usually straight but sometimes spiral with curved cells
- Density and arrangement of the mantle aerole varies considerably among population and even among cells within a single colony depending on environmental conditions.
8. Sitapal Mandir Bagicha :- Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh
- Rhizoclonium hierogylypcium (cladophoraceae)
- KINGDOM :- plantae
- PHYLUM :- chlorophyta
- CLASS :- ulvaphyceae
- ORDER :- cladophorales
- FAMILY :- cladophoraceae
- COMMON NAME :- Green algae
- Cordinates - 23°15'16.88" N 77°24'10.40" E
- PH 6.6
- They are filametous chlorophyta which are unbranched but may be partially branched
- These cells are large,long and cylindrical and each one has single, netlike green chloroplast with several pyrenoids.
- These filaments are unbranched , cells are usually thin walled occasionally with thick and stratified walls.
- Chloroplast are parietal net like with several pyrenoids cells 10-37 um wide , 2 to 6 times longer , filaments are slender 60um in diameter and loosly lie with basal cells or sometimes attached to holdfast with basal lobes.
- Chloroplast are reticulate , parietal with pyrenoids and have starch.
- Reproduction in freshwater species by fragmentation and more rarely biflagellate zoospores.
- Rhizoclanium is present in fresh , brakish and marine water often growing entangled with other algae.
- Reproduction in freshwater species by fragmentation and more rarely by biflagellate zoospores.
- Zygnema ( zyygnemataceae)
- PHYLUM :- charophyta
- Class :- zygnemophyceae
- Order :- zygnemataceae
- Family :- zygnemataceae
- Common name :- Green alage
- It is star shaped
- Unbrance filamentous zygnematalean with cylindrical cells each containing 2 green shaped axial chloroplast.
- Nucleus often visible between chloroplasts & filament is coated with a thin mucilage layer, consequently strands of zygnema are soapy to touch.
- There are conjugation as ladder like similar so that in spirogyra
- A genus of filamentous freshwater algae, zygnema features two stellate chloroplast per cells
- They are numerous species of zygnema which are distinguishable by the shape size and other characteristics of the zygospores thet produce.
- These species are found alongside with another algal species spirogyra and can reproduce asexually , sexually or vegetatively.
- In harsh conditions zygnema species has tendency to produce spore like alkinates for sexual reproduction or reproduce sexually via conjugation tubes.
- When algal nutrients are widely available and the environment is suitable.
- Zygnema frequently fragment as mean of vegetative reproduction.
- Zygnema grows as a free- floating mass of filament although young plants may be found anchored to streambeds with a holdfast.
9. Badbada Dam :- Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh
- Spirogyra
- KINGDOM :- plantae
- PHYLUM :- charophyta
- CLASS :- zygnemataceae.
- FAMILY :- zygnemataceae
- COMMON NAME :- Green algae
- CORDINATES :- 23.2083° N, 77.3789° E.
- PH 7.2
- They are unbranched filamentous zygnmatalean having cylindrical cells with one or more green spiraling ribbon like chloroplast containing pyrenoids.
- Chloroplast margins in healthy material are undulating and the nucleus can often be seen in the cell center , suspended in strands of cytoplasm.
- A fine mucilage layer coats the filaments the strands of spirogyra feel soapy to the touch.
- Conjugation is ladder like in which conjugation tubes from between filaments and these are travesed by the donor gamete to fertilize the receptive gamete.
- They are very common around the margins of ponds , lake and slow flowing streams and each cells of the filament features a large centered vacuole within which nucleus is suspended by fine strands of cytoplasm.
- The chloroplast form a spiral around the vacuole and have specialized bodies know as pyrenoids that store starch.
- The cell wall consist of an inner layer of cellulose and an outer layer of pectin which is responsible for the slippery texture of the algae.
- They reproduce both sexually and asexually or vegetative reproduction occurs by simple fragmentation of the filaments.